Monday 13 November 2006

Cospprogess 1: Making Felt

After so many months being a lazy ass doing some costumes and then fail to finish it with full force, I finally decided to get my arse off and do something worthwhile for this: My Felt cosplay!

Yes, I know my brain's going to forget about this, but if I can make it in time for either Collectormania Gmex or MCM London Expo May 2007 in time, then I'm going to be famous on the Internet on being the only crossplayer (i.e. crossdresser as Felt is a bloke) who has ever crossplay (gender-bending costume play) as a bloke from other than Final Fantasy series. So, in order to make the costume and the sword, as well as balance uni stuff that I need to finish, I'll be putting the progress on how far I did on doing the cosplay as well as posting some ordinary out-of-the-wall stuff that I find interesting.

And if I tend to forget to make the costume, then remind me! Otherwise, you won't be seeing me cross-dressing as Felt!

And here's the picture that I'm going to cosplay (or rather crossplay) as...

Quote of the Moment - "So hats off to our winners, piss off to our losers." - Some bloke from Have I Got News For You

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