Thursday 2 November 2006

And the Winner for the Most Badly Behaved Person is...

OMG! This is UK politcal correctness gone wrong again!

I was waking up from playing too much Silkroad Online from yesterday and after breakfast and popping down to good ol'student shop when I noticed the headlines from both The Times and The Guardian:

'Teenage see ASBOs as badge of honour"

WTF? I knew it! I knew stomping these riduculous Orders to teenages is a bad idea. I mean, these teenagers are not disciplined enough, so blame the bloody parents who couldn't be bothered on getting these kids straight years ago!

And as for the person who said that the teenagers who think these ASBOs are badge of honour and then he'll smirk off their faces by putting them into custody would only going to get worse. And if it's going to get worse than ever in the next few years, I'm moving to Dublin, Ireland!

Quote of the Moment - "You roll in reams across the street in algebra" - Thom Yorke from the lyric part of Analyse (from the album, The Eraser)

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