Monday, 19 May 2008

Kishou Sentai Pinranger

Finsihed playing The World Ends with You and was shocked at the ending (though I'm not going to spoil it. Let's just say you'll need to play it for yourself and find something more unexpected), BUT Goddamnit it was a GREAT game! I haven't been addicted to the game since the Pokemon series for a while now.

And then there's Another Day, a post-game cleared chapter that had me laughing now and again. BTW, before I'll go into further detail...


Still with me? Okay....

Right at the start the screen told us that Another Day is unrelated to the main storyline whatsoever and Neku resists his 'Emo Urges' and decides to play Tin Pin Slammer! Eh? And then it gets weirder and funnier. Megumi 'Shades Conductor' Kitanji is now the Mayor of Shibuya (which I have no idea why), Joshua is Joshua (sorta) - only he's not really the Composer at all and as for Shooter...well, he's still himself. And just as the game starts, Yodai (the big, bruly man who is somewhat the 'Booth Babe' for the competition, which I don't know why), Uzuki and Kariya stole nearly everyone's Pins (except for Neku, which he hangs on, including the headphones) calling themsleves the Black Skullers in the process, in addition to Megumi and Joshua and then runs off to somewhere secretly. Shooter asks Neku for help and together they went to the 'Secret Base', i.e. the Ramen Shop to have discussions with Doctor Pin.

When the two youngsters arrived, they were joined by Joshua, Shiki and Beat on a quest to stop the evildoers from Tin Pin profit or something. But beforehand, Neku asks the Ramen Owner, Ken, about Doctor Pin and suddenly he glares at Phones for this reason! And then things start getting weirder and weirder. Shooter decided to turn Neku, Shiki, Joshua and Beat into some sort of Super Sentai team, but without the masks and lycra and then Shooter is Red, Neku Blue (originally Black/Brown and Blue), Shiki Green (hey, you don't see a Green female Ranger in Super Sentai series more often, though you can count Mele from Gekiranger as one of them, if you like two rival groups team up), Josuha Pink (Hey, there was a Pink male Ranger before *coughDynamancough*), which later on, changes to Rainbow and then suddenly, Doctor Pin joins in! And guess what, Doctor Pin (Jr) turns out to be...

Sho 'Zetta SOACAHTOA' Minamimoto who lives with Ken for some odd reason and then devised a plan to have Neku being the bait, which he objects, but nonetheless decided to do it. And so, our heroes must take up justice to save Tin Pin from getting into evil hands! I'm having some thoughts on imagining them doing the Super Sentai poses with their roll call, explosions right after their Sentai name (maybe Kishou Sentai Pinranger XD (and just for the record, Kishou = Badge in British English terms) for some odd reason, complete with their OP song, which includes the good guys vs. Black Skullers, only using PINS! And so, Pinranger set out to find the culprit, which they recruited Rhyme as Pin Black (Wah! Black Female ranger!) and ran into Higsahizawa, their first target. Our heroes won the game, but lost as in typical Super Sentai twist, Rhyme turns out to be a spy to the Black Skullers and Beat goes emo that he can't believe Rhyme is one of them! And what's worse: Shooter's Red Slammer has been busted! But Neku tells Beat and Shooter that not all is lost, so they went back to the Ramen asks Sho for help. Yes, I know getting help from your really twisted enemy, who isn't on the bad side is very strange and all, but hey. This is The World Ends with You after all.

However, when Ken took a look at Shooter's Red Slammer, he told the Red Spirit that Red Slammer being broken is beyond his and Sho's skills. Shooter was sad, but Ken brought out: THE PROTOTYPES of the Slammers, each with their own distinct colour (in total of six: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Black and Rainbow), along with his part of the secret past: he was Doctor Pin Sr, until Mathematic Freak took over. And with newfound hope, the Pinranger head on to find their bad guys, which is in Miyashita Park, funnily enough. By the time they get here, the Black Skullers were having a nice curry lunch (cooked by Higashizawa surprisingly) and now the battle turns on!

Joshua vs. Tutorial Guy (no, I'm not kidding. That's his name); Beat vs. Rhyme; Shiki vs. Uzuki (who have some rivalry against each other on the hot lads' fan groups); Neku vs. Kariya (which at one point, Neku went emo) and finally Higashizawa vs. Shooter. Eventually they won, but Hizagawa refuses to give up and tells the history of his obsession with Tin Pin and his admired respect for Ken, who turns out that he used to design the Tin Pins, until he resigned suddenly, due to poor design work. But then, Ken appears and tell everyone the whole thing, which includes the reason why he left the company: his latest creation was half-finished and couldn't cope with it. And in another twist, Sho arrives in time to save the Pin Spirits (I don't know why he was in Taboo Form, but Neku thought if there was an explosion in the Ramen Shop's secret basment lab) from despair with his creation: Ken's original work - THE OMEGA Slammer! And so, Shooter easily defeats Hizagawa and the Tin Pin world is saved! And then they all live happily ever after. The End.

Blegh, I hate doing summaries, but at least I told you on what I could remember. Wiki it or something. My brain is dead after laughing so much.

Oh, I forgot there are also some funny moments in Another Day:

* Neku and the gang (which includes Joshua) meeting Joshua (the Composer) and the expressions they get on their faces, when Composer Joshua was just saying he was just killing time, until Emo Neku gets here. And then challenged the gang for a Final Attack Time Chained battle.

* Konishi the 'Iron Maiden Bitch', who turns out to be Beat's teacher.

* Beat and Rhyme used to be in a comedy duo stand-up, until Beat kicked her out.

I think I nearly died from laughing. And WEWY is getting so addicted, I don't know when I'm going to put the DS down.

1 comment:

~Sho-saka~ said...

To be completely honest:

A) That's not a Japanese animated cartoon. It's a video game
B) There's no such thing as Kishou Sentai Pinranger. I made that title up as a joke that TWEWY mini-game involves pins in a Beyblade/Yu-Gi-Oh parody.
C) No, not really. I rather like my blog to be as personal as I want. I don't really post a lot of Japanese culture stuff in here.