Monday 17 December 2007

^_^ That was Great

Been watching the Den-O Special Talk Show and here's the list of what I found so great about this:

- The opening scene, Takeru-san and Yuichi-san (well, Yuichi mostly) guessing the Taros' voice actors and got the Kintaros and Ryutaros voices wrong with hilarious results.
- Whoa. I found loads of girls, some couple of loli goth ones, going gaa-gaa over the Imagin, voice actors and the two actors. And yes, I went gaa-gaa, whenever I see Takeru-san.
- Suit actors interview! Wow! This is great; very rare to see them their real selves in person and getting interviewed by Suzuken and Yusa 'Ichimaru Gin' Kouji (btw, those two voice actors have their own radio talk shows in Japan, which might explain the interview part). Just love the Sieg suit actor doing 'the Prince' bow and 'Zu gu takai!' pose. XD
- The songs - Well, Yuichi-san was lip-syncing in the Action Zero one, but by God, he did a good one at pretending to sing. And Double Action wasn't bad as well.
- Climax Jump HIP HOP version with Takeru-san breakdancing in front of the audience. Oooh, I just love actors having a secret ability to do something.
- And finally...Sword Form appearing at the end of the show. That one was surprising for me.

And guess what? TV-N's going to sub this show, which means...<3 I am DEFINITELY CAN'T wait to see this, the Hyper Battle and the rest of the upcoming episodes more than Kiba.

Quote of the Moment - "The viewers were mostly 2 - 30 years old female." - Takenoko from the TV-N group commenting about the gender majority of the Special Talk Show audience, which includes me. Too bad I didn't go to Japan and go gaa-gaa over them. T_T

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