Friday 23 March 2007

Reflection on an Unlucky Rider

ARGH! That's it. It's official. I think I ran out of steam when it comes to do anything for University. Yeah, what's worse is that I have to do this exhibition work this year and already, my brain has had enough for me on to work (and that includes portfolio work on the course that I really wanted to do so badly! T_T). I had enough of having some advice to my female Level Zero Art and Design teacher and I'm going to take an Easter Break, to get my brain refresh.

In other news, I just love Takeru Sato's (or the guy who's portraying Ryotaro Nogami from Kamen Rider Den-O) blog. Always witting and sarcastic and yet; very mature and calm at the same time; unlike Hidenori Tokuyama's blog (or that guy who portrayed 'Kick Hopper' Yagurama from Kamen Rider Kabuto), whose entries are just full really random hyperactive stuff on his views on everyday life, anime and manga (though I suspect that he should get the Ryutaros part. I just somehow knew that his 'Yotsuba' personality should be perfect for Ryutaros' voice. What? I'm just saying...) But this particular entry, how should I say it? Just beautiful and emotional (I nearly shed a tear on that). Though I laughed a bit when I found out that he always sleeping in class and got told off by his teacher; which is exactly like mine (my chemistry 'Pike' teacher always told me off for sleeping in class for example, and another is when I was in 2nd Year of secondary school, where I fell asleep in History lesson for 5 minutes, until my friend woke me up and I had to catch up big time)! XD

And for an extra treat for those who are Takeru Sato fans, you can read the interview and discover why he has cat pictures on his mobile/cell phone. I've got to thank my Toku friend and HJU'er (Surprisingly, I'm also a HJU'er too!), Ladymercury, for translating on the Kamen Rider actors' blog, even though they're not 100% accurate! Now, if you excuse me, I've got to dash off for this crappy Contextual Studies lecture, where I'm going to ask people in front some silly questions that came from either trivia things or the 'Book of General Ignonrance' (thank you QI, Stephen Fry and Alan Davies).

Quote of the Moment - "All the people I made friends with. I have to realistically consider it'll be difficult to gather everyone again, though I will be happy that if they haven't changed (over the years)." - Takeru Sato on how he's going to miss his friends after graduating. Cheer up, boy! I'll be supporting you all the way! And thanks Ladymercury for the translation. Where would I be without you?

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