Saturday 15 July 2006

Found in Translation - World Embryo

Just a quick drabble to the World Embryo fans. If you're wondering on what the title in chapter 14 says, I recently downloaded mIRC and then spoke to one of the mods asking for the translation and this is what 'he' says:

"From Hand to Hand"
So there you go. Big thanks to -Asakura- from the M7 mIRC channel for answering the question. Now, if you excuse me, I'm 'going to bishie-hunt down' Riku and meddle with his 'ears'. *Turns an evil grin*
Quote of the moment - "We suggest you use an A4 hardbook sketchbook for this project." - That Introductory Studies Course Leader (who will be nameless) from Staffordshire University (Huzzah! They accepted me! ^_^)

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