Tuesday 23 May 2006

My Lovely Ball Photos

Yes, this was the last time my friends and I are going to see each other at school, but hey, here are some photos with comments by moi!

My friend Graham wanted to do some poses while I took some photos with him, so here you go Graham! Love that James Bond pose!

"The name's Wade. Graham Wade." lol
Laura and Yoo Jin - The two lovely girls dressing up for such an occasion. You look so fabulous!

And here is my favourite friend Michael, who loves Final Fantasy VII as much as I do too.

Oh look! It's the party bus! Just arrived here in time for the ball!

And here's the rest of them, since I can't be bothered to post them all of my ball photos.

Btw, if you're not in the ball on Saturday night and been wondering who's that short girl in a white Vietnamese national dress, that's me. Yes, that's Sho-saka, ak.a. Sho Lover herself. Now, you can comment about the ball or something. They're very welcome indeed. ^_^

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