Tuesday 4 April 2006

Coffee + Good Mood = Argh!

Stupid caffinated coffee! Yesterday and today, coffee has just ruined my life. Argh! I'm so hyperactive, I can't even think on where to put the correct number into a sudoku puzzle! Argh!

Well, anyway, this morning, my frined Jenny discussed about men in the virtural world and my video game plan in the future. And for some apparent reason she gave me a good indication on what fantasy men I fancied. Well, I have some good favourite male characters, but the others I am going to mention are just downright bizarre. So, here's the list sample on the 'normal' male charaters that I like:

  • Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII
  • Rufus Shinra (blonde) from FFVII
  • Reno from FFVII

And here are the somewhat downright bizarre that I am strangely attracted to:

  • Doctor Octopus from Spiderman 2 (The movie version, duh!): don't really ask me, but his looks is better than the animated series.
  • Killy from BLAME!: I have no idea why he is good-looking, not to mention if there was ever any female fans of Killy. Or maybe I must be the only girl in the world to have a liking to him, due to his pale looks and Japanese-type hairdo and other stuff.
  • Loz from FFVII: Advent Children: I'm really not sure, if he ever had some female fans, but I like him, because let's just say, he's a big softie at heart and if he was off-camera from Advent Children, he would have bought moogle and chocobo plushies for Marlene (note in during the film, that Marlene is actually behind Loz, making that he's pretty gentle with her, despite kidnapping her for the 'doom' reason or something).
  • 'Hero' from Dragon Quest (VIII, if you live outside Europe): The Journey of the Cursed King: Okay, so he doesn't talk, but he dresses good for a person going out to explore and he has a cute pet called Munchie.
  • V from V for Vendetta: Why he looks good in a Guy Fawkes suit complete with a Guy Fawkes mask is beyond my understanding, but his personality is strangely attracted to me, if I could side-stepped the explosions.

And that's all could think of. Comment me, if you think the attraction of the characters above mentioned are ridiculously bizzare to any girl's taste.

Quote of the moment - 'Throw in Matrix veteran James McTeigue's flat direction and you have a woeful, depressing failure.' - Jonathan Ross's review on V for Vendetta film over at Film 2006. Great comic, shame its creator, Alan Moore, disown it now that the film came out.

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